Xiaomi unveiled the Xiaomi SU7 EV, the company’s first electric vehicle in China. This modern electric car featured two SU7 variants: one with lidar and one without. It comes with both RWD and AWD powertrains. Three versions of the electric sedan—the SU7, SU7 Pro, and SU7 Max—will be available for purchase.
The AWD version will feature two motors that together generate 663 bhp, but the RWD variant will have a single motor that produces 295 bhp. This implies that the AWD SU7 will have a 3.8-second zero to 100 km/h acceleration time.
Three different battery pack setups will be available for the SU7; the largest among them has a 625 km range. This indicates that the SU7 is perfect for lengthy road journeys, as you should be able to drive it for up to 625 kilometers on a single charge.
A 12.3-inch touchscreen infotainment system, a panoramic sunroof, and a number of innovative driver-assistance systems (ADAS) are only a few of the noticeable characteristics that the SU7 has.
In February 2024, the SU7 is expected to be on sale in China. When it will be offered in other markets is still unknown.