September 8, 2024

Reply To: Exotic Cars and Imported Vehicles: Bangalore

Home Forums High-Performance Cars and Imported Vehicles in India Exotic Cars and Imported Vehicles: Bangalore Reply To: Exotic Cars and Imported Vehicles: Bangalore


I saw a Bentley painted in a peculiar cow dung green color on Sankey Road near the golf course one early morning on my way to the office. It had a Haryana registration. It’s the first time I’ve spotted such an exotic car, but I’m puzzled as to why someone would choose this shade of green after spending 2 crores.
One of the residents on MG Road owns a Porsche 911 and a collection of other interesting vehicles.
Both BMW and Audi are performing well in terms of sales. I’ve noticed numerous 7 Series BMWs in Bangalore and Chennai. Interestingly, there’s a significant presence of Mercedes and Cayennes in Chennai as well.