Tata Motors has introduced the refreshed 2025 Tiago and Tiago EV in India, just in time for the forthcoming Bharat Mobility Global Expo 2025, where both models will be displayed. The Tata Tiago has ex-showroom prices starting from Rs 5 lakh and reaching up to Rs 7.20 lakh. For purchasers choosing the Tiago CNG variant, the cost is Rs 1 lakh more than the petrol model, beginning at Rs 6 lakh and reaching Rs 8.20 lakh. In the meantime, the Tata Tiago EV underwent substantial enhancements, with ex-showroom pricing starting at Rs 7.99 lakh and reaching Rs 11.14 lakh.
2025 Tiago & Tiago EV: Features
The Tata Tiago underwent a significant update after nearly four years. The model was most recently refreshed in 2020 when it underwent aesthetic updates to align with Tata’s IMPACT 2.0 design philosophy. The 2025 model receives various new features that will also be available for the Tiago EV. The Tiago comes in five primary trim levels: XE, XM, XT, XZ, and XZ Plus, while the Tiago NRG cross-hatch is derived from the XZ trim. The Tiago iCNG is available in XE, XM, XT, and XZ variants, while the NRG iCNG comes in the XZ variant. The Tata Tiago EV has three variations – XE, XT, and XZ Plus.
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Notable enhancements comprise a fresh 10.25-inch floating touchscreen infotainment display, wireless support for Android Auto and Apple CarPlay, LED headlights, a redesigned steering wheel featuring an illuminated Tata logo (similar to the Nexon), and a new digital instrument panel. The fully electric Tiago EV will include these features in its highest trim level: a leatherette-covered steering wheel, an adjustable driver’s seat in six ways, and cruise control.
Familiar Engines Take a Backseat as EVs Shine in the Spotlight
The engine choices are anticipated to stay mostly the same. The Tata Tiago petrol will keep the 1.2-litre, three-cylinder petrol engine, while the Tiago EV will maintain its current battery and motor setups. Both models will be displayed at the Tata Motors pavilion alongside other vehicles, such as the production-ready Tata Harrier EV and Tata Sierra EV.